Monday, April 20, 2009

Yarn Yarns and Store Stories

Coming soon, stories of yarn stores and yarns that relate mostly in the New England States. In my job as a Manufacturers rep for yarn suppliers and knitting paraphenalia, I get to experience and share with many different shops and yarnies, including spinning and weaving. It is my intention to present stories from these knitting stores, samples of some of the wonderful projects they are successfully offering their customers, as well as information about some of the events that they are host(ess)ing. All this is to increase enthusiasm and interest in knitting, spinning, weaving and general fiber awareness that is occurring across the country (world).

The experience of Fiber is multifaceted, the more we know, the richer our experience. Combining my experience with certain Yarn lines and suppliers to the world of knitting with the associations I have in the field with the yarn stores in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Rhode Island, I plan to offer a travelogue of information and diversity in the fiber business.

If you are interested in being featured in this blog, let me know and we will begin work on it. I intend to include only features and stores with the approval of the owner. I believe this will enhance the knitting experience and that Yarn solutions we can bring to our busy lives.

This is a busy season of trade shows and new offerings from the suppliers end. It is also a busy season for knitters to switch hats for the gardening season. As such I will be gathering data and information and intend to begin these "yarns" mid to end of May. Meanwhile, I await comments and suggestions from readers and potential readers.

Thanks for stopping by


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